“The people want to be deceived, so let them be deceived”
Globalization. A code word that lets everyone understand what they want. Just a few decades ago, globalization was for the people, an abstract policy. Is it still today? No. The “markets” try to convince us that the global economy is in our favor. But our participation in this planetary economy is always that of the indebted, the insecure and a probable disaster. Until ”the day before yesterday” the government was blaming the war in Ukraine for inflation. All our problems “nested” in Ukraine… Since this fairy tale no longer works, now the government blames the climate change.. And at the same time urges us to be patient because, inflation says, it will make its cycle (like the flu) will pass!!
Greece has been plagued by terrible economy schemes, for the last fifty years. But for some unspecified reason, all those who managed the economy from positions of power… are not responsible!!
It was to blame, we were told in 2000, the obsession with a national currency and the “closed” economy in need of reform. As if those who ruled asked me for reforms… and I refused…
With this fairy tale, we were officially included in the international economy, when we became a member of the eurozone and threw away the “useless” drachma in the trash, embracing the euro, a currency that was presented to us like a Swiss army knife, which will serve a thousand uses and protect Greek economy.
But things didn’t turn out that way. In about seven years, the euro almost collapsed. And before you rush to regurgitate excuses about lazy Greeks and “money-trees” … think, yes think guys, it doesn’t hurt…
Consider that, in about seven years, Cyprus also collapsed. But when joined Eurozone, its pound was more valuable than the British pound! And same happened to “lazy” Irish and “lazy” Italians and “lazy” Icelanders and “lazy” Spaniards…
After a particularly tough process of restructuring and reforming the market (again), the government is celebrating today, saying that the success of Greece’s economic policy has been recognized internationally. And in fact, various other foreign experts came out and gave credit to our economy. But, the debt on the basis of which we felt the dirty teeth of the IMF, instead of decreasing, has increased!!
In recent years, we have experienced particularly unreal price increases of basic goods and energy products in Greece. But e.g. for the burdensome huge electric bills, we are told that it is not the fault of otherworldly energy policies but a result of the Ukraine war… The increase of the price of olive oil made it a product not for supermarkets but for jewelry stores and that also is a result of the Ukraine war… Later on, they told us the Climate change is to blame… Just as it is to blame for the unprecedented destruction of Thessaly region. As it is also to blame for the tons of fish washed out in Volos City. As it is also to blame for the unparalleled fires that destroyed the forests of the country…
But things are not like that. It’s self-evident. If this were the case, if state machinery could not anticipate and deal with climate change, why do they remain suspiciously inactive after the disasters?
Where are the reforestations? Where is the supply of fire extinguishers, for next time? Is there a quick and effective plan for the resurrection and restructuring of Thessaly? Even today as these lines are being written, there are citizen complaints about dead animals rotting… Those in charge, inexplicably, don’t seem to care. And if after all, I’m wronging them and they just can’t, why don’t they come out and declare it? Why don’t they say, “we can’t sir. We don’t have funds, we don’t have competent staff, we don’t have capabilities.” Instead, Prime Minister declares that he will give 4 billion for Thessaly region. Not, he gave. He will give. And everyone knows that 4 billion for such a disaster is like putting a band-aid on the toe of a car accident multi trauma victim.
What should one think about the entry of every disillusioned person from the East and Africa into the country… They come by the thousands, mainly men of productive age and cause an record social, legal and psychological turmoil. They hold demonstrations shouting: “What do we want? Money! What do we want? Houses”.
Again, the decision-makers seem not to care… In Greece whose main problem is the demographic decline, no recovery measures are taken, but we are told again and again that Africans, Afghans, Syrians, Palestinians, Iraqis, etc. will “fill the gaps” … And none of those in positions of power who promote such policies seem to realize that these actions constitute a legal disloyalty to their mandate and a moral collapse of values.
Governors, humiliate themselves daily by telling gross lies, making ridiculous statements of the type about flu and inflation. If inflation is something like the flu, Mr. Minister, why do we need you? You alone nullify your position and usefulness.
So, the problem is not the mechanism of power. The problem is the complete lack of mechanism in society!!
Today’s society watches its destruction impassively. It’s like watching a semi-interesting serial on TV.
Unemotionally witness hundreds of dead (Tempe, Mati, etc.). Idly watches our weapons systems (bought with golden blood) being given away to Ukraine. Uninterested watches senior military officers pay their respects on the anniversary of the destruction of Smyrna to the turks. Uninterested watches the emerging of the woke culture. Uninterested watches turkish research vessels parade by our beaches. Uninterested watches Volos choke on its fish. Uninterested monitors the inability to fill the number of students of military schools. Uninterested observes the shortage of doctors in hospitals being blackmailed by a political totem. Uninterested watches the prices of goods take on an entity of their own and think they are being sold in super-rich Switzerland. Uninterested watches the state regulate if drivers drink coffee but not the price of gasoline. Uninterested watches the prestige and credibility of the country being ruined.
Society also unwittingly watches the international community heading towards the third world war, and instead of worrying, is obsessed with the glamorous marriages of politicians and athletes.
By the way, on the subject of the danger of an upcoming nuclear war, there is an initiative of individual scientists who, analyze the danger of nuclear destruction, have created a doomsday clock which for the first time in history has reached 90 seconds before the destruction!!
And the Greek society is simply not interested!! The parties have succeeded in putting society into a coma. The system does not want to react. So, everything depends on us.
There is no more time, no luxury to continue the withering. Citizens need to decide that they must work for social reconstruction. To protect what is left. To raise up what has fallen. To heal the wounds. Society should set goals and demand them from the authorities. There is no more time, there is no more room. If we don’t work now, we will disappear. We will disappear as a Nation, as an intellect, as a culture and even as persons.
Unless, you agree with the title of the article and Gaius Petronius:
The world wants to be deceived, therefore let it be deceived