

Government is like a baby: A feeding trough with great appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other (R.Reagan . How absolutely (!) our government confirmed the saying of the former American President, with its handling of the subject of the indecent imprisonment of Freddy Belleris.

I have written before about the astonishingly childish way the government handled the prosecution of the elected Mayor of Heimara. With a phobic, inefficient, submissive attitude and with ridiculous setbacks, he dragged the prestige of the Greek state into the mud and into disrepute. It received crushing blows from Albania, a country with one-twentieth of our GDP, a country whose minister recently visited Greece in a stolen Mercedes…

The government inexplicably (I say this with good intention) did not take any of the legal and necessary pressure measures against Rama’s mafia gang, to support expatriate rights.

But unfortunately, all this is not just fodder for caustic political comments… It is the formation of a political reality that degrades Greece internationally. It is the discrediting of Greek interests, it is the creation of a climate of defeat and despair in society, which works like a knife and tears away the hopes for the present and the future in the citizens.

Another American, the controversial economist Milton Friedman once said: The government’s solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem.

And this government thunderously rushed to confirm, with its “heroic” decision to include the imprisoned expatriate Freddy Beleris, in the ballot list for the upcoming European elections. This was the “solution” that he allegedly gave to the matter and which in essence is not a solution but a weak lever of pressure towards the expatriate voters, to grab their vote.

However, to be fair, I have to underline that the silence of the opposition parties on the Beleri issue is also thunderous. All those who tear their clothes e.g. for every Navaldi or Chinese Muslims or some unfortunate Iranian prisoner or Palestinians, they do not see the drama of the diaspora in Northern Epirus, nor are they moved by the human rights violations and democratic norms paused, there. Their nose is so big that it hides what is happening in front of them…

But let’s look at the issue of the European Parliament candidacy of the imprisoned Mayor Beleris. First of all, we must emphasize that such an action, which is the only one the government did to support Beleris, in itself looks anemic and ragged. What will follow the possible election of Beleris will be viewed politically through this lens. And unexpectedly it will self-sabotage.

If F. Beleris is elected: Then he will have to appear in Brussels to take the oath and assume his position. Theoretically (very theoretically) something like this could be done with some special permission from Albania. It nearly certain that Rama is not going to give such permission and therefore Beleris will simply fall from office and the communication flare of the government will be extinguished in the murky lake of discredit for the Greek foreign policy. Or even if by some magical means, he does not fall from the European Parliament, his absence from there, will deprive a vote from the “Greek bloc” reducing the power of the country… we are laughing here …

If we accept, as a working hypothesis, that the Albanian Judiciary will accept to be given such a special permission, what will happen if the MEP Beleris, apply for political asylum and refuse to return? If asylum is granted to him, then an unprecedented political crisis will be created, something that NATO and the USA do not want at all, since they are steadfastly supporting Albania on the issue of Kosovo. So the asylum will not be accepted. Then there will be another unprecedented political crisis, between Greece and Albania, since the E.U. and Greece will allow the imprisonment of an MEP from a country outside the EU.

If F. Beleris is not elected: Then the acceptance of the government by the voters, regardless of what pollsters and channels will try to convince us, will have suffered a huge blow, since he failed to convince an unjustly imprisoned expatriate to be elected. I can’t imagine a bigger political defeat for a ruling party and I can’t imagine a bigger personal defeat for a Prime Minister, who advertises that he “took it on himself”…

In other words, the case, no matter how it goes, will be a blow to Greek foreign policy . None of this seems to trouble the government staff, who are blinded by falling rates and using the tactic of the drowning man who tries to float grabbing his hair.

There is one more quote that I will refer to and it is that of the sharp Mark Twain who said: A cat that sat on a hot stove will not sit on a hot stove again, but it will not sit on a cold stove again either.

This quote proves the intellectual superiority of cats, over electoral bodies, which unfortunately, although they have been burned again and again by the hot stove of the parties, insist on trying to sit at the same place again and again

The government is not at all interested in Beleris and the diaspora. Uses the imprisoned expatriate as a sounding board.

Janus Press

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